Green Stuff2023-09-21T16:41:41+00:00
Is Club Seacret different than Seacret Direct?2023-09-21T16:42:41+00:00

A: Club Seacret is like a “subsidiary” of Seacret Direct. In order to get the benefits of Discount Travel, Entertainment Packages, Telemedicine, etc., you must belong to Club Seacret. When you are a Seacret Agent, you receive 20% or more discounts on their Skincare and Nutrition products. When you are a Club Seacret, you receive an additional 10% off the Agent’s prices. In Club Seacret, you can also earn vacation getaways…every year.

Here’s an example of the kind of trips and value Club Seacret offers: My wife and I went on a “Getaway” trip to Cancun at an All Inclusive Resort. The cost of the stay for the standard rooms would have cost around $2,400. Through Club Seacret, our cost was only $1,300. However, All of us who went on the trip through Club Seacret were given the package that was valued at $3,600. Club Seacret members received 75% off all excursions (Spas, etc.) at the Resort.

How do I earn a vacation getaway?2023-09-21T16:36:26+00:00

A: In order to earn a vacation getaway, you must purchase at the minimum $50 QV of product for 12 consecutive months in a row. At the end of that 12 months, Club Seacret will give you a voucher and you will have a choice of several resorts to choose from or a cruise…5-7 nights.

Can you give me some information about your income strategy?2023-09-21T16:36:18+00:00

A: It’s simple, As people enroll, they are always enrolled to the person directly above as their personal enrollee, or member. That way every person is connected to the team and eligible for ALL team bonuses. Because there are no spillovers from up line Agents, no one on the team will lose out on any commissions or bonuses. Using this strategy will retain most everyone who enrolls, as there will be more financial benefits for everyone. Defying the statistical 90% drop out rate. When you have Just 10 people on your team who is a Club Seacret member (5 on left & 5 on right) you make $50. 20 people = $200 and so on. None of which need to buy product for you to make that income. Only belong to Club Seacret.

Do I need to sell product or sign up 500 people in order to make any money?2023-09-21T16:36:11+00:00

A: Not at all. With Club Seacret all that is required is that you sign up two people into Club Seacret. However, they need to sign up two and that should repeat on down. We in “Team 007″ only want you to sign up two personals. If everyone does this, then everyone who has 5 or more on their team will make a monthly income. In other words, If I have a team of 15 people, I should only have two connected to me directly and personal sign ups. If I have someone who wants to sign up, I put them on my team, but I give them to a person below who may only have one person directly signed up. I still get paid on the team bonus, but so does everyone else up the ladder.

If a person cannot get 2 people, We will help people to do this. Eventually we will be placing people below to fill spots and we teach everyone to do the same. The idea is to remember, this is a team effort and will be successful as we work as a team. The most important thing is actually to make your monthly purchase. You need to be an active Club Seacret Agent in order to receive any commissions. Activation is joining Club Seacret which is a membership fee of $50 per month. This is usually not hard when you combine Skincare, Nutritional Products and Travel Club. Most people are already doing this.

Q: Can I join Seacret, purchase products, or book any travel through this website?2023-09-20T21:14:46+00:00

A: No. This website cannot sell any products, book any travel, or enroll into Seacret Direct. This website is for information only and not an official Seacret Direct website. You must be a member of Seacret Direct. In order to join Seacret Direct, you must become a member through the enrollment process. If you want information on how to become enrolled in Seacret Direct, just contact us by email or phone and we can walk you through the process, or answer any questions. This website has no capability to directly enroll anyone directly into Seacret, but can educate you on the company, the products and the compensation plan. If you need to contact someone, or look at an official website with prices, etc., you can contact the Seacret Direct member who sent you here, or email: – Call: (210) 996-8026 – or visit:

This website is not designed to sell products, or place orders. Once a person becomes a member, they are called a Seacret Agent. Each Seacret Agent is given their own website from the Seacret company and that website will reveal their special pricing. Prices range in three different categories. Retail and Customer pricing are readily available to anyone. Customer pricing is approximately 20% lower than Retail pricing. Seacret Agent/Member pricing is about 40% lower than retail pricing and only available to those who are members.

We designed this website:

  1. as an informational, training and recruiting website only, and a tool to help teach members of our team.
  2. to explain to those interested in starting a home business, how we “Team 007” operate, (hopefully recruiting them).
  3. to give detailed information on the quality of Seacret’s products, and how to use them.
  4. as a way to build our team by adding new people and helping those having a hard time enrolling new people.
  5. as a place to send potential prospects to learn about our business and our team.
Q: Does the Dead Sea salt and mud have healing properties?2023-09-20T21:06:16+00:00

A: This particular salt has many healing properties from the minerals contained in the salts. It helps to strengthen cell membranes, cleanses pores and helps cells retain nourishment. It is also detoxifying. Bathing in a dead sea salt solution helps in keeping the skin moisturized and revitalized. The mud contains these minerals within soothing clay. Both are thought to draw out toxins and the combination of minerals can exfoliate to expose fresh layers of skin, sooth stress, help the body heal and reduce swelling.

This particular salt has many healing properties from the minerals contained in the salts. It helps to strengthen cell membranes, cleanses pores and helps cells retain nourishment. It is also detoxifying. Bathing in a dead sea salt solution helps in keeping the skin moisturized and revitalized. The mud contains these minerals within soothing clay. Both are thought to draw out toxins and the combination of minerals can exfoliate to expose fresh layers of skin, sooth stress, help the body heal and reduce swelling.

Q: Does everyone who contacts you from your promotions and website join on your website?2023-09-20T20:50:17+00:00

A: No. Everyone is signed up directly to the person’s “Secret Direct” website that we send them to. That person will become their enroller and direct up line. We always send people to the proposed individual’s website and either walk them through with emailed instructions, or by phone. We are extremely careful to keep everyone connected to the team from one person to the next. When someone who is on our tem, regardless how many people are between us, we are still on the same team. A team can be a small as 40 people or as large as 1,000,000+. We’ve noticed in Seacret Direct that many people from different teams have been very helpful to others outside their own team And we hope to be known as one who does the same. If you want to find out more information and have personal guidance now, you can contact us by email:

Q: When you place people in the next available spot, do you actually sign the member up under the person’s website so that they have a people directly enrolled by them?2023-09-20T20:46:39+00:00

A: When we place people in the next available spot, we actually send them to the person’s website who will be the enroller. That way they are enrolled directly to that person. We do not want to enroll any more people directly to us. That would break the team connection and undo what we are trying to accomplish.

Q. When I join do I promote my website or yours?2023-09-20T20:44:28+00:00
  1. If you notice, our website does not promote anyone’s “Seacret Direct” website. That is because when someone like yourself decides to join, we send a link to that person, like yourself, from the chosen enrollers “Seacret Direct” website. You would enroll directly to that person’s website. Becoming their direct enrollee. Anyone you find, we teach you to do the same.
Q: When the person above you signs in more than two people, do you lose bonuses and commissions because they enrolled those new to their team/downline?2023-09-20T20:35:08+00:00

A: No. If the person above you is following the program we are laying out and the person above you signs in more than two people, those new people are signed into the team and will be below you and those new people will be on your team also. Thus, eliminating the gap from Spillovers from people above you. We are building as a team and working as a team. So, when those new enrollees from the person above you create volume, not only does the person who brought them to the team make commissions and bonuses, so do you.

Q: What if all I want to do is buy the product as a customer and not join as a member?2023-09-20T20:33:48+00:00

A: That is perfectly fine. To purchase the products, just go to this website: Click on shop and you are good to go. All of the products are in categories and are listed at the customer price. The customer price is in the middle of Retail and member/agent prices. We have many satisfied customers and that is all they want to do. But FYI, if you do join as a Seacret Direct member there is a 20% discount and as a Club Seacret a 30% discount.

Q: Does Seacret have a website for me to log onto and promote my business?2022-02-13T11:36:41+00:00

A:Seacret will give you a website to use for a multitude of purposes, absolutely free. Some of the ways this website is used is: Purchasing products, enrolling new agents, selling products to customers, Training videos and literature, monitoring your business, keeping track of your team, events, and so much more.

Q: Can you give me some information about your “Team 007” income strategy and how it is different from other groups?2022-02-13T11:34:32+00:00

A: It’s simple, As people enroll, they are always enrolled to the person directly above as their personal enrollee, or member. That way every person is connected to the team and eligible for ALL team bonuses, eliminating spillovers from up line Agents, no one on the team will lose out on any commissions or bonuses. Using this strategy will retain most everyone who enrolls, as there will be more financial benefits for everyone… Defying the statistical 90% drop out rate.

Q: What about training? I’ve joined a network marketing business in the past and quit because there was no one to train me.2022-02-13T11:34:05+00:00

A:Seacret has an amazing training program. I have noticed that there are weekly training meetings not only across the United States, but in several other countries that Seacret works in. Not only that, there are special quarterly regional trainings and quarterly national trainings also. Their training is bar none.

Q: Is Seacret Direct a pyramid scheme?2022-02-13T11:33:31+00:00

A: No, Seacret Direct is not a pyramid scheme. Seacret Direct is a product based business. It’s possible for their members to purchase products at a wholesale rate for consumption, or make money just by both selling the products, or from people visiting and purchasing from the website that Seacret provides to its members. Every corporation is structured as a pyramid: At the top there is a CEO, then Vice Presidents, Managers and so on.  A pyramid “scheme” is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing number of “investors”, especially in a short period of time. The initial promoters recruit investors, who in turn recruit more investors, and so on.  Normally, in a scheme, there is no product or service that is sold or purchased. The scheme is called a “pyramid” because at each level, the number of investors increases. Seacret actually began their business in retail outlets and decided to change to a direct home business model in 2011.

Q:What makes Seacret unique and why do you claim Seacret offers the best skincare products on the market?2022-02-13T11:30:27+00:00

A: The entire SEACRET beauty product range is a total body treatment that nourishes and hydrates the skin from head to toe. It’s based on and enriched with water, salt or mud-based Dead Sea minerals for which there is no natural or synthetic substitute in the cosmetic pharmaceutical world. The mineral composition used in these cosmetics is so special that it cannot be successfully imitated in any lab.
In recent years, the Dead Sea has evolved into the world’s greatest natural source of raw materials for facial and body skin care. The exceptional composition of Dead Sea cosmetics allows them to penetrate the skin more deeply without irritation. This directly enriches the skin with essential minerals, rapidly giving it a better tone and natural radiance.
The SEACRET company takes care to ensure that all its beauty products are composed of the most active and effective concentration of Dead Sea ingredients. Seacret products were sold in many countries before the company adopted the direct selling business model in 2011. Since then, Seacret continues to be recognized on the DSN Global 100 list for its global impact of the industry on economic and social realms. Seacret’s products are Not Tested On Animals they are Paraben Free and contain the Finest Ingredients possible. All SEACRET products carry special standard certifications assuring the source of their ingredients.

Q: Everyone sells nutrition products. What makes yours any different?2022-02-13T11:29:47+00:00

A: Seacret offers a plant-centered nutrition line to support health from the inside out.  Life by Seacret performance nutrition products have gained the athletic community prowess by offering clean and supreme nutrition transparency with the “Informed” Sport certification. Meaning, any Olympian or Pro-Athlete can take our products with the confidence that they will not fail any doping test when competing in their sport. All our nutrition products are; Vegan | Non-GMO | Gluten Free | Nut Free | Kosher | Soy Free | No Artificial ingredients or preservatives.  It can’t get any better!


Sharing Seacret
The benefits of the Dead Sea have been an essential part of the Ben Shabat family’s well-being for generations. When they arrived in the USA, they knew they had to introduce their Dead Sea Seacret to America and ultimately the world. In 2001, they opened a Dead Sea premium skin care retail business and successfully grew to over 900 locations. Then, 2011 changed everything when they were introduced to Social Marketing. It was clear that social marketing was a better way to share the benefits of the Dead Sea. Seacret Direct launched with a simple plan that offered the opportunity for others to start a business simply by sharing their Seacret product experience—and it works. Seacret products have such impressive results, customers can’t wait to take them home.

Life By Seacret
The opportunity to share products that help people achieve healthy looking skin was just the beginning. Great skin is a window into our well-being. The Ben Shabat family are dedicated to providing an inside-out nutrition solution that supports you in being healthy and looking and feeling your best. In 2017, Seacret’s search for the ultimate health and nutrition products was achieved and surpassed with the introduction of Dr. Howard Cohn. Dr. Cohn has dedicated his life to his patients’ health. His philosophy and protocols are recognized for providing optimum, plant-based, organic nutrition and include a unique molecular hydrogen product that produces results as impressive as Seacret’s skin care products. “Life by Seacret” was launched in 2018. Seacret has become more than products, it’s a lifestyle movement that connects and supports like-minded people.

The Seacret Community
Seacret is trusted for their commitment to healthy, high-quality, clean ingredients and the highest standards of product manufacturing and service. However, the quality of Seacret’s products is not what CEO Izahk Ben Shabat and his family consider Seacret’s most significant achievement. It’s their community of wonderful Agents who share their commitment to integrity, positivity and being of service. The Seacret community is special; they are supportive and caring of each other and strive to make life better for themselves and others as we grow around the world.

We invite you to experience our Life by Seacret community for yourself as an Influencer, Customer, or Agent. It’s a community that will inspire you to look, feel and live your best life.


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